Monday, October 5, 2009

Relay for Life shirt logo

For a few years now I've been involved with the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life event, which is essentially a huge 24-hour walk-a-thon that raises money for cancer research. The event itself is a lot of fun, with BBQ, music, games, and a candlelight ceremony that honors cancer survivors and those who have passed.

This is the design that the ACS prints on the t-shirts, one of several t-shirt designs that I have been unfortunate enough to receive. I think the design is terrible-- it's fractured, overly stylistic, and unnecessarily abstract. The image seems jumbled, and the choice to make it so geometric seems arbitrary. I certainly can't read any hidden message or meaning in the approach that really speaks to me as a survivor. There doesn't seem to be any concept at all behind the design. To me, it feels lifeless. It really frustrates me because I would love to collect these shirts each year and wear them proudly, as a participant and cancer survivor. But I don't because the shirts are ugly, and they don't seem to consider the subject matter or the target audience who will be wearing them (how many male participants are going to willing wear a purple shirt?). I would love an opportunity to come up with a fresh new design myself.

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